So I will be teaching in Portland at the end of September/beginning of October at Art & Soul! If you haven't attended this event before, you need to! Lots of amazing instructors and enthusiastic students make for a heady mix of creative energy that lasts for a week! To introduce you to some of these fabulous instructors, we are having a blog read on and start making a list of the workshops you want to take as you visit their blogs! And I apologize to the artists for not putting photos with their links...I am not tech-savvy enough for that!
Jane Robberstad does amazing things with fabric...I would love to take her fabric birds class!
Elizabeth Kettle wants to teach you how to create unique and beautiful decorated fabrics to use in your work!
I have been a long time fan of Ingrid Dijkers...check out the amazing art journals she is famous for!
Create larger than life flowers and birds with Marcia Schultz and learn some nifty resin techniques!
Kari McKnight-Holbrook will brighten your world with her eclectic art journals!
Karen O'Brien is another favorite artist of will love making artist blocks like the ones you see in the Art-O-Mat vending machines!
Jane Davies will teach you how to make your own scrumptious collage materials with various techniques!
Aaaand, last but not least, our intrepid Art & Soul producer, Glenny Moir, works her tail off to bring you all of these opportunities to meet and work with all of these artists!
There you have it! A list of must-see blogs to give you a feel of what you are in for if you attend Art & Soul this year! As for me, I will be teaching classes such as House of Cards where we alter cabinet cards and build a house with them! The following are pictures from the workshop I held here at my house this past weekend! We had a blast, so you should seriously think about joining me this fall!
Laying out the materials and collaging away!
This looked like a baby Elton John to me!
And I loved her overall house of oddities!
A rather Poe-esque mansion...
Starting to stitch the house together...
Love the black gesso used on these walls!
And here is a finished house!
I will also be teaching Bedazzling Butterfly Boxes, Over the Edge collages and Marvelous Mica ATC's! So check the Art & Soul website out and plan a trip to fuel your creativity!
Oh, and don't forget to leave a comment on my previous post for your chance to win an encaustic house collage! The deadline for entry is midnight PST, February 22!